
Cleaning Your Invisalign Clear Aligners With Cleaning Crystals

by Sacks Orthodontics



What are Invisalign cleaning crystals?

Invisalign crystal packets are used to dissolve plaque and kill bacteria that may be growing on your Invisalign trays. The Invisalign cleaning system is formulated to sanitize your trays during everyday use. Bacteria can get trapped in the crevices and cause plaque and other issues if not cleaned thoroughly every day. The crystals are completely safe and are specifically made to clean and disinfect your aligners. They are made of safe compounds and are clinically proven to prevent discoloration, staining, and odors from building up.

What Is the Best Way to Clean Your Invisalign?

Learning how to clean Invisalign trays is an important first step for new patients. First, we recommend you start by rinsing your trays under lukewarm water (not hot!) to rinse off any leftover food particles or drink residue. 

You want to avoid using hot water when cleaning Invisalign trays because it could permanently damage your aligners. Just fill a cup with enough water so that the trays can be fully submerged. Put the packet of cleaning crystals into the cup and stir well. Lastly, put your trays in the solution and let them soak for about 15 minutes and rinse again under warm water. 

Then use a soft-bristled toothbrush to scrub the trays to get rid of any hidden or leftover debris from the soaking session. It is not recommended to brush your teeth with regular toothpaste because it can scratch and damage the aligners. Rinse and leave to dry.

how to clean invisalign

How Often Should I Use Invisalign Cleaning Crystals?

Properly caring for your Invisalign aligners and retainers is important to do every day. Aligners should be cleaned at least once a day, but twice is preferred to prevent them from changing color or developing an odor. Treat your aligners like teeth and clean them often, especially after eating and drinking. 

Basically, any time you have to take them out, you should brush them or rinse them. If you ever misplace or drop your aligners, you should definitely clean them before putting them in your mouth. 

Some people like to use alternative solutions for cleaning, but denture solutions, for example, can cause the aligners to turn yellow; therefore, they are not the best options. Clear antibacterial soap is another good option for cleaning your aligners. Do not use colored soap because it can change the color of your aligners.

Where Can You Buy Invisalign Cleaning Crystals?

Invisalign cleaning crystals and special cups are available online on many websites like Amazon, invisalignaccessories.com, and at your local dentists' office.

Important Tips

  1. Always floss your teeth because this plays a big part in oral hygiene, as well as keeping your aligners clean and bright.
  2. Make sure your aligners are in the case provided when not in use to prevent unnecessary damage and bacterial buildup.
  3. Frequent rinsing of your aligners is very beneficial because it keeps them clean.
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